August 7th, 2021 - The Couch is Out!
Our awesome field staff were joined by 2 of our fantastic Nature Camp Counsellors, and we headed to Upham to remove an old couch from the...

August 5th, 2021 - Fyke Netting with ACAP Saint John
Want to know more about the fish in our lakes?! So do we! So we partnered with ACAP Saint John to install fyke nets in some of the lakes!...

August 4th, 2021 - Upham Gypsum Mine Monitoring
Every month, and after every heavy rain fall event, our awesome field crew sample 3 watercourses that surround the Upham Gypsum Mine....
Candidate Protected Natural Area of Theobald Lake and Irish River!
Input needed! This 494-hectare area encompasses old growth Acadian forest, and features red spruce, yellow birch, sugar maple, balsam...

August 4th, 2021 - Maintaining Water Quality - Confluence Zones
We are expanding on our knowledge and understanding of our watershed this year! In the past, we have always taken our water quality...

July 30th, 2021 - Lake Assessment & KWRC
Check out this sweet video made by our friends at the KWRC on our Lake Assessment Project, as we check out lakes in the Hammond River...

July 27th, 2021 - Fyke Net Training
We have been having a fantastic time on the water! Last week, we partnered with ACAP Saint John and the KWRC on some fyke net and beach...

July 26th, 2021 - BATS!!!
We recently deployed 2 bat detector boxes within the watershed! The first location was near Upham Mountain, and the second location was...

July 22, 2021 - Monarch Butterflies
This is by far one of our favorite projects! We currently have 6 monarch caterpillars at our Conservation Center, and all are in the...