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Fish Friends


We partner with the New Brunswick Salmon Council to deliver salmon eggs to schools in March each year. Teachers will set up a tank in their classrooms and the students will watch the early lifecycle of the Atlantic Salmon. Once the Salmon are ready to be released, classes will be bussed out to the Conservation Center in June for "Splash Day".  The Salmon will be released into the Hammond River!

Please fill out the "Schedule a Class" form to be added to the wait list for this amazing program!




River Keepers


Welcome to Riverkeepers of the Hammond River!


This project is designed to get youth excited about biodiversity conservation, through a multi-faceted educational approach highlighting the importance of healthy, functioning ecosystems!


Students will get to use a Water Rangers kit to take water quality samples from the Hammond River- they will learn the concepts of testing water’s pH, conductivity, salinity, temperature, and alkalinity. Students will then take additional water samples from the pond at the Conservation Center, in order to compare results from the first sampling round. This will provide students with a foundation on water testing parameters, with hands-on experience in the field comparing results from different water bodies. Once at the pond, students will participate in ‘critter dipping’, or examining benthic macroinvertebrates- theses tiny animals play a key role in water quality monitoring. Students will learn about precipitation monitoring by examining one of our rain gauges, while learning about climate change.


This program has been designed to meet the NB science curriculum outcomes and can be tailored to meet different aged classes (from grades K-8). Students will gain a greater understanding of species’ range of tolerance to changes in water chemistry, and the importance of monitoring precipitation in the face of climate change. In a fun and educational environment, youth will develop a relationship with nature and gain a sense of responsibility toward the environment, which will lead to a stronger desire to protect it throughout their lives!






Ducks Unlimited


Nature is a powerful teacher. It ignites curiosity and confidence within young people. Ducks Unlimited Canada believes these youth can change the world—and we know many already are. Through our award-winning education programs, we encourage these young minds to explore and protect our favourite outdoor classrooms: Wetlands.

Please sign up for this program before March to attend in the current year. Open to Grade 4 classes.


Field trips are tailored to the location & can include activities such as:

  • Critter Dipping: explore the diversity of life in a wetland.

  • Wetland Games: a fun, active way to teach ecology concepts (ex: predator vs. prey & water cycle)

  • Nature Scavenger Walk: search your wetland to discover the array of plants and animals that call it home!






The HRAA will provide all materials and lessons free of charge.  Schools will be responsible for the costs of bussing.

To sign up for any of these classes, please see the "Schedule a Class" Tab.


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Ducks Unlimited Logo.jpg

Our projects are funded in part by the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund.  This Wildlife Trust Fund obtains a portion of its revenue from the purchase of conservation plates by New Brunswick residents who are interested in conservation.  Seven dollars ($7) from each conservation plate purchase goes into that fund annually. These funds are awarded  to projects such as ours by the Minister of Natural Resources following review and recommendation by an independent board of 17 volunteers.  Revenue from license plates is critical in furthering conservation efforts in our province so please consider purchasing conservation plates with your next car purchase to enable the NB Wildlife Trust Fund to continue to provide financial support for worthy projects. 

© 2025. Hammond River Angling Association. All rights reserved.

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