We are always looking for volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer now or in the future, please fill out the form below under "Volunteer" and we will contact you when an opportunity arises. At the Office Manager's discretion, memberships may be awarded to anyone who volunteers with the HRAA.
Conservation, Education & Community Interaction since 1977
April 12th, 2017 at 6:30pm
HRAA Conservation Centre
Deadline for receipt of submissions: April 12th
Open to all tyers
Salmon Fly (hairwing, featherwing, Spey or dry)
Trout Fly (dry, wet or insect imitation)
Streamer (casting or trolling)
Saltwater/Warmwater (striped bass, musky, bass flies etc.)
Open Artistic (for flies meant to display creative/artistic skills and not necessarily fished)
Full Dress Classic Salmon Fly (traditional patterns only)
HRAA Master Tyer Title will be awarded to the fly tyer who accumulates the most total points in each category entered. Points System:
1st place- 10pts
2nd place- 8pts
3rd place- 6pts
4th place- 4pts
5th place- 2pts
(Tyers do not have to be in attendance for the above categories)
Open to HRAA members only
Children’s Division (12 and under): All patterns acceptable. HRAA members and children/grandchildren of members only
Youth Division (13-18): All patterns acceptable. HRAA members and children/grandchildren of members only.
Speed Tying Competition: Open to HRAA members only and entrants must be present to participate. Materials will be supplied and pattern will be announced prior to competition. Tyers can use their own vise and tools.

Flies can be dropped off in person at the HRAA Conservation Centre at 10 Porter Road, Nauwigewauk from Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm or at our Wednesday night fly tying sessions between 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Flies can also be dropped off at our booth at the Dieppe Fly Fishing Forum/Moncton Sportsmen's Show March 31-April 2.
Alternatively, flies can be mailed to:
Hammond River Angling Association
C/O Fly Tying Competition
10 Porter Road
Nauwigewauk, NB
E5N 6X1
Participants can enter as many flies as they wish. All flies submitted with be donated to the HRAA Annual Fundrasing Dinner.
All flies must be packaged with the entrant’s name, email, address, phone number, fly pattern name and category it is to be entered in. Children’s and Youth category entrants need to indicate which division they are eligible for. Please ensure that hooks will not penetrate the mailing envelope or packaging and take care to secure the flies so they will not become deformed.
Fly pattern categories will be open to members and non-members world wide. Youth can enter into any fly pattern category, but CANNOT enter into both the fly pattern categories and youth division. Youth will not need to be members if they chose to enter into the fly pattern categories only.
Only HRAA members will be permitted to enter the speed tying competition and only HRAA members or children/grandchildren of members will be permitted to enter the youth and children’s divisions. Memberships can be obtained or renewed by calling the Center at 832-1230 or through our website at www.hraa.ca/membership
Flies will be judged on proportions, fishability, neatness and use of materials among other criteria. Creativity and originality will also be taken into consideration. Any size or type of single hook is acceptable. Special guest judges: Jerome Molloy and Aurele Daigle.
Prizes will be given in each category for first place in the open categories and from 1st to 5th in the Children’s and Youth divisions. The name of the HRAA Master Tyer will be engraved on a plaque displayed in the HRAA Conservation Center and an award will be given. Prizes will be announced soon. Prizes will be mailed out to any winners, unless they live in the Hampton/Sussex/Saint John region in which case they can be picked up during regular business hours at the Conservation Centre.
Contest Prizes
Grand Prize Draw: For every fly entered, the entrant will be entered into the grand prize draw for a Regal Vise (courtesy of Eskape Anglers).
$100 Fishing Fever Gift Certificate for the winner of the Master Tyer Award
Category Winners will receive a bag of fly tying materials courtesy of Gaspe Fly Co. and East Coast Angler
Runner Ups will receive a 2017/2018 HRAA Membership.
Children's and Youth entrants from 1st to 5th will receive a bag of tying materials and winners will receive a HRAA hoodie.
Speed Tying Competition winner will receive a special prize!
Special Guest Tyers will also be attending the event to display their tying skills, techniques and patterns.